Introduction to A1200/E6 theme and skin installation
by eakrin @ (base on yan0's theme up)
In A1200/E6 skin is mean all display icons and all GUI components like button, status bar, scrollbar, etc. and theme is mean poweron, poweroff screen, and wallpaper. this is different from previous model A780, E680i, E680. skin configuration is store in ezx_skins.cfg and theme configuration is in ezx_theme.cfg both can found in /ezx_user/download/appwrite/setup folder. and default skins and theme can found in /usr/data_resource/skin and /usr/data_resource/theme folder.
The big changing about skin and theme is A1200/E6 will not read additional skin and theme anymore. what it mean for this? in previous like A780, E680i/E680 phone read .phm or .dhm file in /exlocal/download/appwrite/setup folder to find themes in phone. this can make trouble for newbie user like over install themes into ezxlocal. so if A1200 can't read additional theme how can we install theme. to solve this in A1200 I create a mpkg program to change to selected skin or theme. changing skin and theme is not like installation. It means A1200/E6 always have only 1 additional theme in ezx_user (new folder sapareated user data from ezxlocal), another themes stored in mmc waiting for changing next time.
How to use skin installer and theme installer to install new skin or theme.
1. Install skin installer and theme installer by mpkg installer.
2. For skin installation tap on .pskn file to open it with skin installer or for theme installer tap on .phm file to open it with theme installer
3. Restart phone to make new skin and theme active.
How to restore back to default skin and theme.
1. Install default skin or theme will remove previous install skin or theme.
2. Restart phone to make default skin and theme active.
PS. Installer always install skin in to /ezx_user/download/skin and theme into /ezx_user/download/theme. and remove previous installed theme before install the new one.
PS. skin can change to default is setting -> scheme. but this can only change back to default skin. the additional theme will not deleted. so use skin installer to install default skin. it 'll remove previous install skin from ezx_user folder.
PS. skin and theme installer 'll remove all installed skin or theme before install the new one. to protect over installation into ezx_user folder.
PS. in A1200/E6 If you need to change icon and skin go install new skin. and if you need tot change power on and off screen go install new theme.
by eakrin @ (base on yan0's theme up)
In A1200/E6 skin is mean all display icons and all GUI components like button, status bar, scrollbar, etc. and theme is mean poweron, poweroff screen, and wallpaper. this is different from previous model A780, E680i, E680. skin configuration is store in ezx_skins.cfg and theme configuration is in ezx_theme.cfg both can found in /ezx_user/download/appwrite/setup folder. and default skins and theme can found in /usr/data_resource/skin and /usr/data_resource/theme folder.
The big changing about skin and theme is A1200/E6 will not read additional skin and theme anymore. what it mean for this? in previous like A780, E680i/E680 phone read .phm or .dhm file in /exlocal/download/appwrite/setup folder to find themes in phone. this can make trouble for newbie user like over install themes into ezxlocal. so if A1200 can't read additional theme how can we install theme. to solve this in A1200 I create a mpkg program to change to selected skin or theme. changing skin and theme is not like installation. It means A1200/E6 always have only 1 additional theme in ezx_user (new folder sapareated user data from ezxlocal), another themes stored in mmc waiting for changing next time.
How to use skin installer and theme installer to install new skin or theme.
1. Install skin installer and theme installer by mpkg installer.
2. For skin installation tap on .pskn file to open it with skin installer or for theme installer tap on .phm file to open it with theme installer
3. Restart phone to make new skin and theme active.
How to restore back to default skin and theme.
1. Install default skin or theme will remove previous install skin or theme.
2. Restart phone to make default skin and theme active.
PS. Installer always install skin in to /ezx_user/download/skin and theme into /ezx_user/download/theme. and remove previous installed theme before install the new one.
PS. skin can change to default is setting -> scheme. but this can only change back to default skin. the additional theme will not deleted. so use skin installer to install default skin. it 'll remove previous install skin from ezx_user folder.
PS. skin and theme installer 'll remove all installed skin or theme before install the new one. to protect over installation into ezx_user folder.
PS. in A1200/E6 If you need to change icon and skin go install new skin. and if you need tot change power on and off screen go install new theme.